- by Osho - ANOTHER INTERPRETATION OF THE SEVEN CHAKRAS. "Suppression is an obstacle on the path of meditation. Transformation cannot come about if there is suppression... ... Understanding will solve the matter . " - Osho . Question. In yesterday's talk, you said that the seeker should first concern themselves with their own receptivity and should not go begging from door to door. But the very meaning of a sadhak [spiritual aspirant] is that there are obstacles on their path of spiritual growth. Perhaps they do not know how to be receptive. Is it so difficult to meet the right guide? Answer To seek and to ask are two different things. Actually, only s/he who does not want to seek asks. To seek and to ask are not one and the same; rather, they are contradictory. S/he who wants to avoid seeking asks. The process of seeking and the process of begging are very different. In asking, the attention is centred on the other - on the giver; in seeking, the attent...